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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

1000 Things to be Thankful For

    We would like you to submit on our RS Blog one or more things that you are thankful for. You can put your name if you like, or not, it is optional.  The only stipulation is that we cannot list anything twice.  So get creative, and be the first to list something you are thankful for before the task becomes more challenging!  Our challenge is to come up with our list of 1,000 things we are thankful for in 30 days, that would be October 31st.


  1. Misty Neilson
    1. My Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ. Restored Gospel and my eternal family. (probably all taken I know)
    2. So grateful for my circle of influence! I'm constantly surrounded with women of excellence that bring me up! And I'm just grateful for such a powerful circle of people in my life!
    3. Grateful to be in this amazing ward. Best ward I've ever been in!

  2. Jessica Higginbotham
    I am grateful for my children, washing machines, and Pumpkin Pie : )

  3. Susan Parker
    Beautiful Sunsets and sunrises.
    My Savior Jesus Christ
    My Husband
    Electric Blankets

  4. Joanna Swonger
    I am thankful for Relief Society Sisters, and Best Friends Forever.

  5. Janae Nelson
    I am grateful for Temples, the beautiful outdoors, and my warm loving family!

  6. Sleeping children, fall colors, quiet cloudy mornings, laughing together over dinner, when kids ask deep questions, cooking with my daughter, repentance, hugs, soft baby feet, pink roses, rain mixed with sunshine, caramels with nuts, good bread, campfires, stars, grandma's family stories.

  7. Alyssa Audd is thankful for:
    1. My savior, Jesus Christ, his atonement and the fact that He is the one that understands my trials/adversities (makes me feel that I am not alone)
    2. The gospel of Jesus Christ
    3. The missionaries that served a mission that taught me about the gospel
    5. My family
    6. The ability I have to walk, see, smell, touch, think and hear
    7. My friends
    8. Freedom
    9. Everyday, unseen miracles
    10. The Holy Ghost

  8. 45 things to be grateful for so far, Keep it coming and remember try not to repeat something already listed!

  9. I agree with all of you, ladies! I am also grateful for sandy beaches, the changing leaves, swimming pools, rollerblades and homemade applesauce.

  10. I am grateful for my children's prayers, to be pregnant, ultrasounds :), little tiny heartbeats, hot chocolate, snuggles in blankets with my kids on cold days, neck rubs from my husband when I have a headache, and ice cream!

  11. I am Thankful for Michele and Wayne Smith. They always have the biggest smiles on their faces in Primary

  12. My Husbands enduring Strength and patience, the Christ-like purity in my children, the light in my children's smiles, the Atonement, and guns, boots, and 4x4. :) (8 items)

  13. ...and my Grandma Bradley up in Heaven, always watching over me. (2 items)

  14. I am grateful for Temples, eternal families, sunshine, Internet, inspirational quotes and general conference

  15. Sally Carles
    All of the above and
    1. my husband healing from his injuries
    2. rainbows
    3. maple bars
    4. warm sheets
    5. blowing (and chasing) bubbles with my great grandson
    6. fresh tomatoes from our garden
    7. children's laughter
    8. furry kittens
    9. Georgia Mud Fudge Blizzards
    10. first flowers of spring
    And many, many more

  16. I'm so very, very thankful for the many blessings
    I receive each and every day of my life from
    my Lord and Savior, expressed and administered
    to me by my beloved family, friends, and neighbors.
    Sincerely and with my love,
    Sis. Robbie Raymond

  17. I think we are up to 90 things to be grateful for, keep it coming!

  18. I am thankful for the beautiful weather and that I have the strength and energy
    to work in my garden. Marilyn Parker

  19. I am thankful for modern technology that allows me to be with my kids while I work from home.
    I am thankful to a loving husband who honors his priesthood
    I am thankful for my education that allows me to know how to help my kids with their homework :)
    I am thankful for my warm home that keeps me and my family dry
    I am thankful for the prophets and the peace I feel while reading and listening to their talks.
    I am thankful for the friends that Heavenly Father has blessed me with.
    I am thankful for a big back yard that allows my children to run and get some energy out.
    I am thankful for the opportunity to see my children grow and learn new things.

  20. Marilyn Parker I am thankful for my heritage, for the courage and faith that my Great Grandparents had in crossing the plains

  21. My kids and I are thankful for these things today:
    1. Being able to play with my friend Bracken today. (Andrew)
    2. somersaults (Ruby)
    3. fast legs (Ruby)
    4. My blankie (Ruby)
    5. Two working cars
    6. My husbands good job
    7. Sleep
    8. Homemade Bread
    9. Awesome kindergarten teachers
    10. Family date nights
    11. My husband not working on Fridays :)
    12. Saturdays, to get ready for Sunday

  22. I'm thankful for clean air, plumbing(most countries don't have that), patience, lessons learned, unlimited knowledge at our finger tips, children's laughter, smell of new babies(not their diapers though), candles, the smell of the air after it rains, soft beds to sleep in, the feel of freshly sanded wood, the smell of freshly cut wood, the beauty of a campfire, fellowship with family and friends, all of the colors in the rainbow, technology(can only imagine the time we save with it, lol), our intelligence, imagination, comedies, music, I can go on but will save some for everyone else ;) Miss you all. Thankful for each and everyone of you!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I am thankful for social networking websites that help me to be in touch with my lovely family and close friends. Being separated by physical distance, being close to each other by heart.

  25. Thankful for a warm home, comfortable bed, knowledge of nutritional foods

  26. I am grateful for personal revelation, the scriptures, being converted to the gospel, temple covenants, having a temple close by, being married to my best friend, my daughter's long hair I get to brush every day, hikes, kind people, good books to read, soup on cold days, dates with my hubby, beautiful art, being able to use my body, perfume, flowers, good movies, soft grass, classical music, guitars, hope that the gospel brings into my life, when my children choose the right, soft southern wind that smells like sagebrush, when my kids come to me with their troubles, thunderstorms, clear mountain streams, huge snowflakes, Christmas, cute baby noises, hot chocolate with nutella mixed in, when I get a drawing of our family from my kids, my mom's hugs, my dad's quiet confidence in me, Disneyland, the ocean, dark chocolate, cutie oranges, hanging out with neighbors on summer evenings while our children play outside, majesty of outer space, full moon, massages, using my talents to make someone happy, when friends drop in to visit, pretty shoes, having some time to ponder and think (even though it doesn't happen very often), warm sock on cold days, talking to my sister, when family photos turn out nice, sitting on the couch with my hubby, aspen trees, orchard fresh apples, and last but not least, Brigham city peaches.

  27. I am grateful for. . .

    The Gift of the Holy Ghost - especially when my children need me to help them and I don't know what to do, or when a friend shares a hard thing with me and I don't know what to say, or when I need comfort just for me.


  28. Hi! This is Amanda Alles and here are dozen things I am thankful for:
    1) The beautiful canyon this morning with fall leaves and snow sprinkled like powder sugar on top.
    2) Bedtime stories and snuggling with my boys last night.
    3) The smell of fresh cut grass.
    4) A new furnace and water heater so we have warm air and warm water this winter!
    5) Jobs that help us pay for the new water heater and furnace. :)
    6) I am thankful that my husband will be home late tonight or early tomorrow because being a single working mom for seven days is exhausting!
    7) Flowers because they are the amen of nature.
    8) The taste of cold water melon on a hot summer day.
    9) soaking in a warm bubble bath with a good book after the kids are in bed.
    10) making cookies with my boys and sharing them with neighbors.
    11) laying on the trampoline at night looking at the stars.
    12) nail polish, painting toes and fingers a fun color.

  29. I have so much to be grateful for:
    1) Answered prayers!
    2) my husband new job so I can be home!
    3) expecting a baby boy soon!
    4) reading books to my daughter and to see her try to read them to me!
    5) good health
    6) Aggie ice cream!
    And I know it's been said but most of all I'm grateful for the Gospel, my Savior, my husband, and the temple!

    1. Katie, Congratulations for your husband's new job and your new baby to be! - Julise N.

  30. It's getting a little challenging now! Besides all those wonderful things, I'm grateful for:
    My testimony
    fun games to play
    changing of the seasons
    living prophets and apostles to lead us today
    forks, spoons, and knives
    laundry soap
    good smelling candles
    kind words
    inspiring lessons
    the Holy Ghost
    warm socks
    soft sweaters
    good books
    rice bags
    pumpkin bread
    exercise dvds
    living on earth when the gospel has been restored
    the moon, especially when it is full
    allergy medicine
    opportunities to grow
    quiet moments

  31. Carly Allen
    I am thankful for...
    That I was blessed with such great children and husbund, That we can always forgive and love each other unconditionally. The ability to walk, talk. etc. For babies, laughter, grocery stores and the rain.

  32. I am also thankful for Cub Scouts! The incredible scout leaders I serve with, kind and involved parents, pinewood derbies, rocket launching, making t-shirts for Day Camp, Day Camp :), catching frogs, water balloons, field trips with my scouts, service with my scouts, multiple hikes in a summer, toasted marshmallows, Masha's talent & her cookies, Amanda's happiness, Michelle's bravery, Ana's dedication, Jessica's creativity, fire, flag ceremonies, the Pledge of Allegiance, Pack Meeting cheers, Pack Meetings, reverence, and friendship. Oh, and let me mention again...MY CUB SCOUTS!!

  33. Dorthy Johnson - I am thankful for my life, my membership in the church, (HIS church), for my baptism, and a mother who allowed me to be baptized. I'm thankful to have served a mission in Salt Lake City in the Joseph Smith building, where I found bothmy living family and my dead family.

  34. We are grateful for:
    clean water, indoor plumbing, warm showers, the priesthood, second chances, paper, the library, hands, the oven, the grocery store, laundry baskets, smart people, toilet paper, the refrigerator, soap, electricity, shoes, peanut butter, recipes, the dishwasher, toothpaste, phones, prayers, our callings, good parents, opportunities to serve, uplifting music, what we CAN do, FHE, dinner time, living in a free country, food storage, healthy bodies, dates with each other

  35. Some of the things I am thankful for: fall leaves, soft blankets, hot chocolate, children's books, little boys, little hands and feet, swings, pictures, inspiring people and inspiring messages, Joseph Smith, the Ensign, to be a woman, nice people, staying up late playing games, good surprises, and Relief Society.

  36. - My mother
    - Motherhood
    - Pink
    - Dress ups
    - Little girls that like pink dress ups
    - Family game nights
    - Being able to see, hear, smell, touch, and taste
    - Yummy food
    - Fresh food all year long
    - When Amanda Alles and her boys make cookies and share them with neighbors :)
    - The Logan temple is so close
    - The temple workers always thank me for coming
    - Our primary teachers
    - Primary songs
    - When the sun breaks through the clouds and shines over the mountains and my girls notice how beautiful it is before I do
    - Cars
    - Roads
    - Laws that keep us safe
    - Being able to walk to church
    - Living in Cache Valley
    - Visiting with sisters in the ward
    - Windows
    - Doors
    - My backyard
    - My dishwasher
    - Time with my husband
    - That first hour after school when we eat snacks, do homework, and my girls tell me about their day
    - My family is sealed together forever
    - Houses and apartments we've lived in
    - Our home now
    - The Friend Magazine

  37. Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father
    Holy Ghost
    Sleeping babies
    My siblings who are on missions
    My family
    My friends
    My husband for holding and honoring the priesthood
    General Conference
    Eternal Families
    My husband's job so we can pay our bills :)
    Modern medicine
    Cell phones
    Coats and hats to keep us warm
    Cold water to drink
    Food to eat
    Fun family memories
    Family vacations
    Bear Lake
    My mom for watching my kids so my husband and I can go to the temple

  38. I am grateful for:
    Priesthood blessings
    When my mom writes poems
    Janice, Krista, Rachel - the sweet ladies I get to visit teach and Robbie, my dear v.t. partner.
    My visiting teachers who call and remind me that they are coming, because they know I always forget
    Our supervisors who call to see if v.t. is done
    How trials shape us into stronger and better people (usually)
    Camping with my family and friends
    How the gospel changed my life
    My mother's faith and her enthusiasm for all things good
    My mother-in-law, she is the best!
    Pretty dresses
    Playing in the snow with my kids
    How my babies moved inside me and I couldn't wait to see them
    And the first time I saw and got to hold them
    Breastfeeding (I finally figured out how to do it on baby number four)
    Ice skating
    Fresh fruit
    my sister's amazing knitting skills
    My two loving grandmas-handshakes
    how the air smells in the spring when the snow starts melting
    From my kids:
    Puppies, especially our neighbors dog Aspen, and our neighbotrs cats who come to visit, and Callie

  39. Just a correction, I am not thankful for handshakes, even though they are very nice, I wrote babushkas, but autocorrect changed it for me :)

    1. A hug is better when comes from a friend, right?

  40. It has already been said but as we're moving away in just a few short days I have to say that I am so thankful for this ward. It has been one of the most welcoming wards we have belonged to and has honestly been one of the biggest blessings to our family this past year.

    I am very thankful for Sister Parker, for the personal relationships she strives to have with each sister, for her many sacrifices and services on our behalf.

    I'm also thankful for the Bishop, his divinely inspired council, and his exemplary discipleship to the Lord. For all of the bishopric and their families for their sacrifices and service.

    I'm so thankful for my calling in Young Women, having the opportunity to serve with and learn from such an extraordinary group of girls and leaders. That the Lord saw fit to call me there the very day I needed it and leaders being inspired to do so.

    I'm also thankful for the light and warmth of the sun. (...and The Son! :) For four seasons, and the changes they bring to life. I'm thankful for all the beautiful things, the ability to see, for the arts, and the ability to create with my hands. Im thankful beautiful colors. For my mind and the knowledge and wisdom we are blessed with. I'm thankful for the experiences that strengthen my testimony, even through hardship. And knowing that our loved ones who have passed on are not gone but are very literally near us. I'm thankful for my kind and gentle hearted husband, his dedication to our wellbeing, that he's my very most favorite person on earth to be with, and that he can always always always make me laugh and elicit laughs. I'm thankful for our angel baby who has been such a light in our lives and the best medicine to me this year. For his oh so vivid personality, his bright mind, and good health.

    I'm also thankful that the Lord is so readily available to me. even more than our closest friends and family who may be limited be physical distance, mental or emotional availability, but that He hears our prayers and comforts, guides, and instructs me oftentimes immediately. Im thankful for people who are compassionate, loving and kind. And I'm thankful for this opportunity to think thankfully!

    Love and hugs to you all, we will miss you lots.
    Sara Hatch

  41. Hi Sisters, this is Lena Arslanian. Here is my list so far.. Hot showers, instant hot showers ( don't have to heat the water),musical plays, any good play, Karen Carpenter’s music ( my favorite is “Top of the World” can’t hear it without smiling) making lace, the lace my Aunt gave to me to treasure, living here in Logan, the joys of living in the country, opportunity to attend school, just mentioning to your professor how nice it would be to have a few more days to turn in an assignment and she GIVES IT, having enough money to pay tuition, textbooks that don't cost over $50, text book- by- back (helps pay for next semesters books), the miracle of our bodies, not having to get up twice a night to go to the bathroom (can I say that???), being almost done with menopause (those who have gone through it know what I am talking about; to those who haven't, your turn is coming), modern sanitary napkins ( I’ve used rags), responsible children, Tylenol for when I have a head ache, medicine for when the dentist fixes the cavity on my tooth, the color maroon, potato salad, anything chocolate, anything chocolate and salty at the same time, a fire in the fireplace. central heating, central air conditioning, waking up in the morning and grateful that there wasn't an emergency during the night, others good example to me, elderly people who share with me their life experiences, visiting teaching opportunities, visiting teachers that love to visit me, that my husband is so handsome ( my own personal eye candy), modern baby delivery methods, epidurals, health insurance, my very thoughtful physician, disposable diapers, that I persevered through breast feeding, that my babies survived my breastfeed, my first washer and dryer, dish washers that really clean the dishes, wall to wall carpeting, roses, hollyhocks, daisy’s, smell of tomatoes just picked form the vine, cucumbers with the skin on when it’s not bitter, peaches that taste like peaches, warm peach pie ale mode, the challenge of being left handed, modern process of hair care (call me if you want to know what the means), people who play the piano, talented neighbors who share their talents with me, contacts so that I don’t have to wear glasses, being able to see, Chinese food, food in my pantry, the opportunity to share the food in my pantry, good Seminary teachers, good Institute teachers that love to teach the gospel, the healing power of faith and the priesthood, the privilege of directing our Sunday School discussions, the favorable circumstances that I can partake of the sacrament, inspiring Sacrament meeting talks, Fast and Testimony meeting where I can hear others testimonies, amazing Relief Society teachers and their lessons of inspiration, those who serve without complaining, shoes that fit, the shadows of the sunset on the mountains, no car problems, people who smile at me when we pass each other even if they don't know me, data entry on the computer (such a breeze; I remember typewriters), oh I can't forget the delete key (where would I be without that?), remembering my pass words for various accounts on the computer when I need it not three hours later (or even at three o’clock in the morning), pictures that bring back sweet memories, pictures that remind you that you were once at a healthy weight and the hope that you could be again, finally being able to lose a pound,

    1. Lena, I love the song "Top of the World" too!

  42. Lena cont... my grand-kids when they call me NeNe (Armenian for Grandma), Deseret Industries, happy and helpful store clerks, finding someone to help me at Sam’s club, the opportunity to pay fast offering, the privilege of paying tithing, that I can attend the temple with my husband, that my children can go to the temple and that they love it as much as I do, Crocheting, Knitting, smart people who put together wonderful patterns that I can follow and create the same projects as they did, scarfs, gloves, my grandmothers ear ring ( ask me about that one),check book that balances, automatic deposit (I remember waiting for the mailman to bring my husband’s pay check; not fun),a day without junk mail, Oh, the best.... emails from your missionary ( nearly tackled the mailman with our first missionary; his mission president would let them e mail. Yes it was many years ago), my bill drawer empty and I still have a few cents left over, ice cream, chocolate ice cream, sprinkler systems, family that loves to spend time together, my father who gave up his tailoring business to come to America, my great grandfather who joined the church over one hundred years ago in Turkey, missionaries that are willing to go to Turkey to preach the gospel, my mother who instilled in me the deep desire to be honest, My father who joined the church after 27 years, being sealed to my parents when I was 18 years old, God’s mercy in taking my father so he didn’t suffer with his illness, sitting with my girls (one on each side of me) listening to their wonderful voices as we sing the opening song at General Relief Society Meeting, my aunt’s good example of grace and enduring to the end (she died of Lou Gehrig's disease), people who are willing to let me serve them, leftovers, leftovers on Thanksgiving, the most wonderful soup in the whole world…Yogurt soup with kufta balls ( don’t knock it till you try it), pumpkin pie, my husband’s yummy whipped cream (it’s amazing), good music, inspirational church videos, the church’s videos on the Saviors life, having most all the Ensign magazine at my finger tips to enjoy, seeing conference on television, the tabernacle choir, the way the Lord sends me revelation, the gift of agency and that I can choose for myself the path I want to take, that Christ wants to be my friend, Christ’s good example of the way to live if I want to be happy, that I am God’s very own daughter, that you are his daughter also, Joseph Smith’s faith in asking God which church is true, Joseph Smith’s experience in liberty jail as well as at Carthage, talking to someone on my cell phone as I walk to my car across campus in the dark, making it to my car across campus in the dark safely, beautiful paintings, the paintings of Carl Bloch of the Saviors life, the privilege of voting, to vote without fear for my safety, memories of working as a voting judge, the song America the Beautiful, the flag and what it represents, traffic signals that work, the opportunity to volunteer at the food pantry, people in the community that work so hard to meet the needs of the hungry, doing something for someone else anonymously, that my husband didn’t get mad when I lost my wedding ring but let me get mad at myself, soap and shampoo, bubble baths, finding that sewing needle that I lost in the carpet before my husband finds it with his feet, beautifully wrapped gifts,

  43. Lena, continued.... Christmas lights, the true meaning of Christmas, going to Temple Square at Christmas time with my family, last but not least ( at least for now) I am grateful for peaceful sleep.

  44. I am thankful for left turn green arrows-I don't know what I would do without them, weddings, traditions, hair spray, jogging strollers, spell check on computers, my little sister, inspirational quotes, blogs, capable doctors, ear plugs, peanut butter M&Ms, the smell of rain, magic erasers, napkins, advent calendars, people who ask how you are doing and take the time to listen, awesome brother in laws, my heritage, both of my convert grandmothers, Jeffery R. Holland, photo books, the color yellow, homemade milk shakes, reunions, cousins, the St. George temple, four-wheel drive, light switches, hand-me-down clothes, hair bows for Andee, recipe books,, and Brent Yardley telling me he loves me every day.

  45. Bubbles, airplanes and trains because they say adventure, c-sections, creativity, dancing, apple crisp, dark chocolate ice cream with raspberries, steak well done, creamy pasta dishes, cranberry orange bread, kettle corn, legoland, warm pajamas in the winter, cold milk with brownies, Tide, kind words, helping hands, reading scriptures with my family, lotion, service projects-it's so great to work with people to serve others, feeling the Spirit at church or any time, making gingerbread houses, skiing and sledding, horses and birds.

  46. Alyssa continued: I am thankful for:
    11. Sunflowers
    12. My physical therapist
    13. The compassion of my husband
    14. My talents
    15. The gift of the Holy Ghost
    16. My children's decision to be baptized
    17. Free agency/ability to choose
    18. Friends
    19. The Rocky Mountains (way bigger than the Appalachians that I saw growing up)
    20. My automobile (it has hand controls so I can still drive)
    21. Modern medical technology
    22. Independence
    23. My abilities
    24. My disabilities (they have made me stronger)
    25. The plan of salvation
    26. The knowledge and testimony that I have of the plan of salvation
    27. My mother
    28. My father
    29. My calling as an A-day leader because I can share that with my daughter
    30. Sister Susan Parker always being willing to take me to the temple with her and being my friend.

  47. I am grateful for:
    1. My girls' night out
    2. A friend who supported me by coming with me to visit another of my friends in need.
    3. My daughter who greeted me at the door of my work, yelling "Mama!" and running up to me to give me a hug.
    4. The smile my little one put on my face when she tried to eat the strawberry off the shirt she was wearing, declaring to me "Yummy."
    5. That my sister, who just had a new baby, is doing well and there were no problems with her pregnancy.
    6. A friend let me borrow her carpet steamer
    7. A new friend who enfolded me in love when I needed it and least expected it.
    8. My parents, who try to help me stay updated with family news.
    9. Training for work, where they provided pizza. (Yum!)
    10. That over the weekend, my lost cell phone was found after circumstances seemed to be hopeless.
    11. For my husband, who made dinner and helped me clean the house yesterday.
    12. Crunchy leaves and reading in the sun.
    13. My work turning on the boiler early to heat the building. :-)
    14. Feather dusters and lysol wipes
    15. Generous friends and babysitters who shared their apple tree bounty with us.
    16. Dehydrators, so I could do something productive with the yummy apples. (I have extra if you want some!)
    17. Fisher Price's "Little People Toys," which give me as much joy to play with as they do my little one.
    18. Music, because it inspires me and lifts me up.
    19. The Holy Ghost, who reminds me I am a daughter of inifinite worth to my Father in Heaven.
    20. The LDS Scripture Ap on my phone, which I can use any time for a spiritual boost.
    21. Hugs from my husband.
    22. The Library, yea for free movie rentals
    23. Board books for my little one to read on her own.
    24. Balloons, they provide so much entertainment to blow up and release in a big room.
    25. Fake ivy, to elegantly decorate my house with.
    26. Mint chocolate chip ice cream.
    27. Pecans on ice cream or in bread with craisins.
    28. Hearing of people serving others, very inspiring.
    29. Oreos, dipped in milk for 2 seconds
    30. Roses and lilacs
    31. My washer and dryer
    32. My grandparent's legacy
    33. Windex and Duct Tape
    34. Paper towels.
    35. Willow Tree figurines
    36. Family tradition of reading "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" on Christmas Eve.
    37. The timer & alarm on my cell phone that remind me to go to lunch.
    38. My perfectly broken-in feather pillow.
    39. The ability to calm down in stressful situations through spending time with animals and/or in nature.
    40. The ever-changing ocean.
    41. Playing in soft sand on a beach.
    42. High-chairs
    43. Date-nights with the love of my life
    44. Remembering to use coupons before they expire.
    45. Time to talk, really talk with others.
    46. This blog and gratitude list. I never thought I'd get this far, but the ideas just keep coming.
    47. The right I have to care about myself and others.
    48. The responsibility to make smart choices when caring about myself, and help ensure that others are treated with kindness.
    49. My ability to have a positive impact on the youth of my church and community.
    50. The knowledge that I am doing what Heavenly Father wants me to do at this time, and for the strength he gives me to meet my challenges each moment of each day.

  48. I am thankful for careers, for vocations, for professions.
    I am thankful for my grandparents who gave me all their love when growing up and having the opportunity of giving them back a little bit of what they gave me, once I was a grown up.
    I am thankful for variety of cultures and the enjoyment we all feel living in each of them and learn from them.
    I am thankful for the different ways of communication we all have in the world because it help us to express our feelings.
    I am thankful for our Dear Heavenly Father's arquitecture. Our world is so beautiful and magical. Everything has been created with a purpose that no man knowledge can match.
    I am thankful for the nine month pregnancy process because it helps us parents to become prepare and get ready to receive those little miracles that our children are.

  49. * I am thankful warm Apple Crisp and a dear friend who served it! :)
    * Mowing/raking leaves on a beautiful autum afternoon
    * Fresh cooked garden beets, so sweet!
    * Sunshine (it makes me cheerful)

  50. A few of the things my kids are thankful for: family, freedom, sharing our testimonies, clothes, the Wii, our piano, Preston's guitar, James' trumpet, Danielle's baby dolls & saxophone, Jesse's 'nigh nigh' (blanket) & his toy dragon, water, education, swimming in the summer, online school, Lego's, bunk beds, sharing a bedroom with your brother, the smell of leaves, the smell of coconut, science experiments, drawing comics and making ceramic sculptures. Preston also said he is thankful for his hair and his good looks. :)

  51. My daughter in-law that mows my lawn
    Gets rid of my leaves
    Provides many yummy delicious meals
    Always so thoughtful
    Grandson that helps so much with my computer problems
    Granddaughter that provides many good meals
    Granddaughter that lets me tend my wonderful smart great grandchildren
    Calls from grandchildren
    Family help in the garden
    Thoughtful good friends

    1. From Shayla Panfiloff:
      Of course the obvious (three of the greatest kids, a perfect (for me) husband, best parents ever, and awesome siblings) Fresh snow. Contact lenses. Holidays. Being close to family. Leggings. Scarfs. 4 wheel drive. Indoor plumbing. Babies in pajamas. Electricity. Hawaii. Palm trees. Sunshine. Sun tans. Makeup. Pumpkin pie. Sunglasses. Cameras and pictures. Heaters. Good neighbors. Twins. Children. Binkys. Disposable diapers. Internet. Pinterest :) Blankets. Flowers. Music. Doctors and dentists. People who are kind even when no one is watching. Good deals. Homemade cookies. Toilet paper. The ocean. Fresh air. Paper plates. Black beans. Vacuums. Farmers. Having a mom and two sisters who are my very best friends. Rainy days. A good cry. Carbon monoxide detectors. Cops and fire fighters. A healthy body. Cars. Airplanes. Strollers. Living in a beautiful place. Blow dryers and straighteners. Cell phones. Teachers. Honest people. Laughter. Walmart. Being trusted with three perfect children. Peace. Nature. Forgiveness. Paint. Toothbrushes. Memories. My dad's cabin. Old friends. Chubby baby cheeks. Clean laundry. Books and being able to read. Hard things that make me strong. Being able to stay home with my kids. Hot baths. Sleep. Friday Family Fun Nights. Dishwashers. Glitter. Plants.

  52. From Shayla Panfiloff:
    Of course the obvious (three of the greatest kids, a perfect (for me) husband, best parents ever, and awesome siblings) Fresh snow. Contact lenses. Holidays. Being close to family. Leggings. Scarfs. 4 wheel drive. Indoor plumbing. Babies in pajamas. Electricity. Hawaii. Palm trees. Sunshine. Sun tans. Makeup. Pumpkin pie. Sunglasses. Cameras and pictures. Heaters. Good neighbors. Twins. Children. Binkys. Disposable diapers. Internet. Pinterest :) Blankets. Flowers. Music. Doctors and dentists. People who are kind even when no one is watching. Good deals. Homemade cookies. Toilet paper. The ocean. Fresh air. Paper plates. Black beans. Vacuums. Farmers. Having a mom and two sisters who are my very best friends. Rainy days. A good cry. Carbon monoxide detectors. Cops and fire fighters. A healthy body. Cars. Airplanes. Strollers. Living in a beautiful place. Blow dryers and straighteners. Cell phones. Teachers. Honest people. Laughter. Walmart. Being trusted with three perfect children. Peace. Nature. Forgiveness. Paint. Toothbrushes. Memories. My dad's cabin. Old friends. Chubby baby cheeks. Clean laundry. Books and being able to read. Hard things that make me strong. Being able to stay home with my kids. Hot baths. Sleep. Friday Family Fun Nights. Dishwashers. Glitter. Plants.

  53. I am thankful for
    cute paper,
    hair that keeps growing so I get to see so many people,
    laundry (especially when it's warm just out of the dryer),
    big windows,
    watching my kids overcome fear,
    cute kids clothes,
    good example,
    adventures with my family,
    Lake Powell,
    awesome RS lessons that motivate me to try harder,
    Ruby's little arms wrapped around my neck,
    memory foam pads,
    play dough,
    each of my 8 brothers,
    both of my 2 sisters,
    the lessons they've taught me,
    and the time I get to spend with them.

  54. From Kathleen C.
    A cats purr.
    Dog kisses.
    Shade on a sunny day.
    A wink from my Dad.
    Mittens on a cold day.
    Living in Cache Valley.
    My new wireless speaker!
    My scriptures.
    My moms nursing career.
    Windshield wipers on my car.

  55. Sorry, I know a lot of these are already listed but I don't have time to read 900+ things!
    a healthy family
    a helpful husband
    my parents
    washing machines
    my calling
    heat and air conditioning
    my in-laws
    the Bishop
    the Prophet
    the internet
    my home
    a garden
    my education
    nap time
    my ability to play the piano
    Lake Powell

  56. My kids wanted me to post some of their thankful items.

    Choosing the right (Maddy age 7)
    Repenting (Maddy age 7)
    Getting hugs (Ian age 3)
    Friends (Ian age 3)
    Being a friend (Ian age 3)
    Toys (Leslie age 2)
    Snacks (Leslie age 2)

    I am grateful for the automatic sliding door on my van and
    the warranty we bought on our van
    I am grateful for the benefit of the doubt
    the permission to be a work in progress
    for growing older and finding compassion for others weaknesses
    for my Savior who is always willing to lift me when I fall
    to be understood perfectly by my Savior
    for the Henry's Point ward
    the examples of the strong women around me
    my sweet children
    my wonderful husband
    for my country and my grandfathers who fought to defend it

  57. comfy shoes
    my kindle
    my camera
    the my husband cleans the bathrooms so i don't have to
    hot showers
    sunny days
    date night
    a temple so close
    money to pay my bills
    the funny things kids say/do
    good neighbors
    the gift of the holy ghost
    my children's primary/nursery teachers
    rocky road ice cream
    my husband's job
    my calling

  58. my fancy sewing machine, my less fancy serger, fabric, fruits, veggies, netflix, roads without potholes, cribs, potty trained kids, airplanes, email, hymns, babysitters I trust, sunscreen, a Father in Heaven who knows me and loves me, a refrigerator, that I don't have to make all my food from scratch :), grocery stores, games, a cell phone, my mom, grapes, a garden, family walks, family vacations, my toothbrush, medicine when we get sick, running water

  59. I am thankful for:
    YouTube videos that teach my husband how to fix the many appliances in our home, so I don't have to pay a repair man.
    My boys contagious laughs
    Brig's excitement for EVERYTHING
    Primary songs that Treyson goes around the house singing everyday
    Email that helps me be able to work from home
    Skype that lets me talk to my sister and her family since they live so far away
    Halloween costumes that my kids love to try on over and over again
    Pictures of my kids that bring a smile to my face every time I look at them
    Thoughtful coaches that lift kids up instead of knocking them down
    Three Hole Punch that makes my life a lot easier
    Strawberry lemonade
    Ice Water
    Christmas Lights
    Bike rides to the park with my boys and the many resources I find on it

  60. I am thankful for:
    Children's voices
    Pinterest :)
    Smarty Phones
    Being home with my babies
    Hot Chocolate
    Pumpkin EVERYTHING
    The Best In-laws in the WORLD
    Family Movie Night
    Our Home

  61. From Dorthy Johnson:
    I am thankful I have lived long enouogh to find my father's family and get the temple work done - parents sealed, then my brother and I sealed to our parents. I'm so grateful for my life and the length of time I have lived!

  62. I'm thankful for the challenges I have in my life and have had in my life. I feel they have helped me to grow more spiritually, since I rely so much on Father to help me through them. It makes me pray more, trust in Him more, and strengthens my testimony. Though I fall short at times to be positive about these challenges, I still have that deep faith that He is not far away and he's there to help me if I will just have faith and put my trust in Him, always. I know he loves me and all his children.
    Robbie Raymond

  63. Kathleen Clement

    Knowing how to read so that I can help children with their reading.
    The promise of spring.
    'Paper' books.
    My iPhone. (Seriously)
    Family photos.
    Old family movies that have been transferred to DVDs.
    Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
    Family reunions.

  64. We're thankful for Mickey and Minnie Mouse at our house. :) My daughter absolutely loves them. We are also very thankful for books to read and coloring books to color in. We are grateful for holidays to celebrate--Thanksgiving and Christmas coming soon! We are grateful for pumpkins and for the Pumpkin Walk--my family and I especially loved going together this year! We are also grateful for kind, generous people who are wonderful examples of our Savior. I met an exceptional sister this past weekend who was just such a person. She would have given me the shirt off of her back if I needed. She helped with a baby shower we were doing for my sister-in-law and she was so willing to help wherever needed and I greatly appreciated her kindness and willingness to serve. I am also grateful for opportunities to serve. I am grateful for when my daughter sings me songs and dances in front of the mirror. :) I am grateful for when my daughter comes to give me a hug when I am sad. I am thankful for the safe arrival home of my sister from her mission. I am grateful for when my children like to sit and snuggle with me. I am grateful for my husband's love and understanding and support in my life.

  65. 1. I'm grateful I have a colleague who is so sweet to carpool with me to and from work.
    2. I'm also grateful for the chance to pick her brain along the way for new ideas for my work.
    3. I'm grateful for the new toddler bed a friend passed on to us, my little one is so proud of it.
    4. I'm grateful for a fellow teacher who made copies for my classes today when she new I would be in a meeting all morning.
    5. I'm grateful she also taught me to use the RIZO machine at our school.
    6. I'm grateful for another friend who told me she missed me at lunch today,
    7. and she'd save me a cookie from their party tomorrow.
    8. I'm grateful for the chance to talk about the blessings of Heavenly Father to another teacher in my school (yes, these are all different teachers) as she struggles with her many responsibilities.
    9. I'm grateful that my husband passed me the magic, reinforcing Elmo before he went to run errands tonight.
    10. I'm grateful for leftovers.
    11. Nutella on bananas and bread, it is delicious!
    12. I'm grateful for another teacher who likes to joke around with everyone and say things we least expect.
    13. I'm grateful for a supportive and positive boss.
    14. I'm grateful my hubby met me at the door tonight after work with a kiss, and that he's not shy about showing his affection to me when others are around. (I'm a lot more shy than he is, for sure!)
    15. I'm grateful for the teacher who was in my spot before me, that she tried to make learning fun for the kids, and follow the programs she had available to her.
    16. I'm grateful for students who help keep me on task.
    17. I'm grateful to find out that my students love to play with toys still in 3rd grade, and that I'm not to old to dislike it. Hopefully I will never be to old for that. :-)
    18. I'm grateful for fake flowers, and how they brighten up my house and I can change them with each season.
    19. I'm grateful we have box elder bugs to complain about, verses a pest that does a lot more damage.
    20. I'm grateful that my sister and her new baby are doing well and that she sends us pictures of her little one.

  66. Marilyn Parker POEM

    Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire,
    If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

    Be thankful when you don't know something
    For it gives you the opportunity to learn.

    Be thankful for the difficult times,
    During those times you grow.

    Be thankful for your limitations
    Because they give you opportunities for improvement.

    Be thankful for each new challenge
    Because it will build your strength and character.

    Be thankful for your mistakes
    They will teach you valuable lessons.

    Be thankful when you're tired and weary
    Because it means you've made a difference.

    It is easy to be thankful for the good things.
    A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for
    the setbacks.

    GRATITUDE can turn a negative into a positive.
    Find a way to be thankful for your troubles and they can become your blessings.


    Author unknown
